Monday, March 1, 2010

E-learning homework

Ok, temporarily placing photos aside, because I have to do an e-learning task now.
Go to this website:
And key in fzh28njk83146wq under code. That's my MI test results, and as you can see, interpersonal and intrapersonal are the highest, so I now have to do tasks on them.

Who would you want to be friends with in the novel(To Kill a Mockingbird)? Explain.

I would like to be friends with Jem. He has a good father, Atticus, who is currently a lawyer. In the novel, Atticus acts as a model to his children. One statement made by Jem was: "Atticus is a gentleman, just like me!" This shows that his father had imposed good values on him and he feels obliged to follow Atticus footsteps regarding his moral values. Jem would be a man with great moral values and thus he would be a good influence to have. I would be able to learn what he has learn from Atticus and would be able to act like a true gentleman as well.

Jem has also experienced many tough times and he would be able to advice me if I ever meet one. One example of a tough time was when Jem had to face the unjust verdict that Tom Robinson was guilty of raping Mayella Ewell. He had thought that Tom Robinson would be found not guilty, but due to Tom Robinson's skin colour, black, which the society of Maycomb were prejudiced against, he was found guilty. Jem could not handle the truth and cried, and he was unable to fathom the verdict at that point of time, but later in the story, he knew why it happened, and was thus able to handle it.

Therefore, I would want to be friends with Jem as he has the ability and the know-how to help me in times of need.

Conduct an interview with a friend (not from HCI) or family member. Find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. Either record the interview or write out the interview transcript.

This is the interview transcript between me and one of my friends. He does not wished to be known, so I cannot announce his name.
Q1)What does the word "prejudice" means to you?
It means the biasness of a group of people against another weaker group of people where the latter is "bullied", or a preconceived judgement of someone.

Q2)What about discrimination?
Discrimination is the unfair treatment and distinction between different groups of people be it by race, social class etc.
Q3) Give me an example of discrimination that you have observed around you.
Perhaps where GEPers in my school are labelled or generalized as being PROUD or SNOBBISH and are most of the time restricted to our own circle of friends (with the exception of me ).

Q4) Why do you think such discriminating acts occur?
Because of the lack of communication and interaction between the different groups of people. If the two groups of people are unable to communication(communicate), they would never be able to understand each others differences or the others' personalities, and the misunderstandings will continue to occur.

Q5) Are you prejudiced against anyone or a particular kind of person? If so, why?
I'm not exactly prejudiced towards any type of people though I tend to stay away from people with relatively bad personalities because I feel that there is a sort of communication breakdown between me and him, which is a problem too in trying to solve the issue of discrimination.

Q6) Can you elaborate on "bad personalities?"
People who are arrogant and tend to be very egoistic, for example, an attention magnet :DD

Q7) What do you think of racial discrimination?
I think that racial discrimination is unfair because it treats a certain race unjustly where the people of that certain race have even their fundamental rights being infringed upon. Racial discrimination is disgusting because the supposedly superior group feel good about themselves by being able to look down on the minority race. This is sadistic and wrong.

Q8) What do you think are the labels attached to Negroes?
Negroes are generally labelled as rude uncouth folks who bring about only bad influences to the rest of the people.

Q9) What do you think of gender discrimination then?
Gender discrimination is also wrong because it allows for a superior gender. However, today, this is inevitable because of the cultures and traditions passed down from our history so gender discrimination is wrong morally but cannot actually be concretely prevented.

Q10) Based on your answer, would you prefer to be a girl or a boy?
It depends on the society i am in. Who wouldn't like to have more rights? If I were livign in countries like China, where they kill innocent female newborns for the fact that they are female, I would like to be male. However, if I were to be born in Minicoy (women's island), I would very much like to be a girl, though I'm perfectly fine with my current gender :DD.

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